There will come a time when you’ll be looking at selling one of your homes (or even your primary residence). What all goes into a selling a home and getting it ready for sale, however, is something that Elisabeth tackles today. Later she talks with Jessica Hickey, author of Stop Pushing String and CEO of 1029 Consulting, about the 5 business languages that are crucial for you to understand.

Key Takeaways:

[2:52] Some things to consider when you’re debating whether to sell your home or rent it out

[7:56] The cost of actually selling your house

Jessica Hickey Interview:

[14:31] Jessica’s background and how she’s established herself in male dominated fields

[18:06] The building of the Microsoft campus, and Jessica’s role in it

[20:20] The best piece of advice Jessica ever received

[22:02] Using the 5 business languages in your own life

[27:00] How all 5 languages intersect with strategy


Stop Pushing String: Getting Decisions Made with the Five Languages of Business
“If you don’t know, tell them you don’t know and you’ll figure it out and come back with an answer”